City on a Hill
Church and State
Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash

Separation of Church and State is one of the central topics Christians think about when they think about politics. Today we talk about what separation is and isn’t. We also address why it matters more than you think.


Here is the First Amendment.

Here is Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptist Association of 1802.


  • Church differed from the state in the most fundamental way. We proclaim and live under the rule of a different king.
  • God’s work in the world is through the church now, not through a nation-state. If there is an heir to God’s work in the world through Israel, it is the church not the nation of America.
  • The Church and State are different spheres. Each is ordained by God for His purposes.
  • The Church and the State share common intermediate ends. Both fight evil. Both desire good, even morality.
  • The Church has a very different ultimate end than the State. The Church must proclaim Jesus as risen king. That is subversive to the ends of the State. Therefore, they must be separate!


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