City on a Hill
Do we really need more Christians in Politics?

Aeric has heard people say, “We need more Christians in politics.” Aeric also had some plumbing problems last week. Here are some of our thoughts about Christian politicians and plumbers .


Confidence in institutions is at an all-time low — New Gallup Poll


Why do we think we need Christians in politics? There could be some not-so-helpful reasons. The best reason has to do with trust or confidence. As all Americans have less and less trust in institutions, we would hope Christians would be people we can trust.

We need politicians, like plumbers, with the requisite skill and the technical ability to carry out the job for which we hire them.

Christian politicians like Christian plumbers, need to be disciples of Jesus. They need to love God and love their neighbors.

We would hope that Christian politicians would further the cause of God’s kingdom. In other words, that the political structure would give space for the church to be the church. This is what 1 Timothy 2:2 asks us to pray for!

In the meantime, all of us can:

  • Pray for our leaders like 1 Timothy 2:2 suggests.
  • Ask God to give you wisdom, clarity, and virtue as we select those who will publicly serve.
  • Evaluate those we vote for. 
    • Do they have the technical knowledge and ability? Are they qualified?
    • Do they love justice and mercy?
    • Walk humbly?
  • Evaluate their wisdom or ideas they will apply.


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