Bonus Episodes
Bonus Episodes
How to Vote! (E)
How should Christians vote? Should citizens of heaven’s kingdom think about voting in earthly elections? You knew it was coming. Of course, we will tell you how to vote — vote early and often. 😉

In this episode from the archives, we visit voting as stewardship. It should pair nicely with last week’s episode.

Aeric recommends David French’s two-fold test ( recognizing that your vote is your endorsement. That means that voting for the “lesser of two evils” remains an endorsement of evil.

Your vote is your personal commitment to the person you vote for, even if your vote doesn’t make a difference in the election. (

The smaller the election the more clout your vote will hold and the more difference you can make. Apply the two-fold character and policy test to local candidates, too. You can actually reach out to them and meet them. Aeric did.

Get out there and vote next week!


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