City on a Hill
What Makes Something Good?
Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

In this episode, Scott could no longer postpone Aeric’s exposition of Aquinas and his philosophy of four-fold goodness. Seriously though, it is a very helpful way to think about the decisions and the activities we engage in. What makes something good?


This episode was born after Aeric read A Treatise on Happiness by Thomas Aquinas.


The four perspectives on goodness that Aquinas used are:

  • Genus (Category): In general, is the thing you are doing good in and of itself?
  • Species (Specifics): Is this specific instance good? Are the specific choices here good?
  • Accidents (Attributes and Circumstances): Is there a unique context that would make this otherwise good action bad?
  • Ends (Goals and Purposes): Is this action done for the right reasons?

Where do your decisions tend to go off the rails?


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